Our Reinsurers
Our Reinsurance Broker

Suite 1000
225 King Street West
Toronto, M5V 3M2
Our Reinsurers

Munich Re
Königinstr. 107
80802 Munich

R+V Versicherung
Raiffeisenplatz 1
65189 Wiesbaden

SCOR Reinsruance
701 Briccknell Avenue #1270
65189 Miami, 33131

QBE Re (Europe)
30 Fenchurch Street
London, EC3M 3BD
United Kingdom

Peak Re
Room 2107-11, ICBC Tower
65189 3 Garden Road, Central,
Hong Kong

Sirius International Insurance Group
Suite 1202
80 Bloor Street West
Toronto M5S 2V1,

CCR Re (Canadian Branch)
1010-150 York Street
Toronto, M5H 3S5

Lloyd's Underwriter Syndicates
1 Lime Street
London, EC3M 7HA
United Kingdom

(Lloyd's Syndicate 9981) - Pioneer Underwriters
7 Bishopgate
London, EC2N 3AR
United Kingdom

(Lloyd's Syndicate 1084) - Chaucer
Plantation Place
30 Fenchurch Street
London, EC3M 3AD
United Kingdom

(Lloyd's Coverholder) - Solis Re Agency Inc
Suite 1202
80 Bloor Street West
Toronto M5S 2V1,
Reinsurance Overview
What is Reinsurance?
A financial arrangement where in exchange for a premium, one party, the “reinsurer”, agrees to, indemnify another party, the “reinsured” or “ceding company”, for part or all of the liability assumed by the reinsured under a policy of insurance that it has issued.
Benefits of Reinsurance
A healthy reinsurance marketplace helps ensure that insurance companies can remain solvent, particularly after a disaster, because the risks can be spread from local insurers to global insurers.
An insurer can use reinsurance to reduce its insurance risks and the volatility of its financial results, stabilize its solvency, free capital from reserves, improve its ability to withstand disasters, increase its underwriting capacity and draw on the reinsurer’s expertise with respect to product development.
Purpose of Reinsurance
Reinsurance is a risk management tool that allows an insurer to transfer risk arising from the policies it issues to its reinsurers. The two (2) main purposes for which IronRock utilises reinsurance are to:
- protect our Capital & Surplus from the volatility associated with the uncertainty of the frequency and severity of claims arising from insured risks; and
- leverage our Capital and Surplus to increase both single risk and portfolio capacity.
There are also important subsidiary benefits to be obtained from a relationship with reinsurers and reinsurance brokers. IronRock can access technical assistance that allows us to underwrite specialised risks, obtain training for employees and gain access to risk management tools (such as Catastrophe Modelling) at little or no cost.
IronRock’s Reinsurance Policy
Financial Strength of Reinsurers
Your security matters. Therefore the financial strength and dependability of our reinsurance partners is of utmost importance.
That’s why IronRock’s reinsurance partners are among the most financially secure companies in the world. Every one of our reinsurers is rated ‘A’ or better by either S&P or AM Best rating services.
Concentration Risk
To avoid exposure to concentration risk, reinsurance placements are allocated among many reinsurers across a wide geographical spread, all operating in traditionally sound financial and reinsurance markets.
In addition, the total exposure of IronRock’s reinsurance arrangements to any one reinsurer is limited.
Amount of Reinsurance
In determining the type and amount of treaty reinsurance protection required, IronRock is guided by the requirements of the Insurance Regulations and the Financial Services Commission, as well as the results of Catastrophe modelling scenarios.